We interrupt this blog about Mexico (really, I AM working on Part 3!!!) for a special end of school message:
Sigh. Today is the last day of school. In two and one-half hours my precious alone/free time will be over for 80 days and replaced with beach time, board games, picnics, trips to the park, and (I'm sure) endless sibling conflict resolution. While I'll be glad not to have to play the morning hustle every morning (you know how it goes - wake the kids up 4 times, make breakfast, pack lunches, make sure library books/folders are in backpacks, remind them 10 times to focus on getting teeth brushed and shoes on, and run out the door with one minute to spare shouting "GO GO GO!!!"), I'm not quite yet ready for school to be over.
Nicholas has had a banner year, partly thanks to his wonderful Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. N, and partly because we kept him back a year. I am proud to boast that he is at the top of his class in reading, writing, and math, is emotionally well-adjusted, a popular student (especially with the ladies), and loves going to school. His fine motor skills greatly increased too and he is now a kid that loves to draw and color and create, which is something he never liked to do before kindergarten.
For all the hours that Jeff and I spent debating the pros and cons of sending him to kindergarten when he was almost 6 as opposed to when he was almost 5, this year proved that we did the right thing. I did a lot of volunteering in the classroom and I noticed that many of the younger students just had a hard time adjusting - kindergarten is a fast-paced environment with a lot to learn. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if a few of them repeated kindergarten next year. I also found it interesting that there was a big chunk of boys in his class that turned six just about the same time he did in October - great moms think alike!
Michael had a great year too. He earned all A's in every subject for all four quarters, most of the time with 100% or better! He's still a great reader (he just finished inhaling the first Harry Potter book). What I'm most proud about him though is that he has made great strides in his writing, which is his least favorite subject. Writing has always been a struggle for him because he has trouble thinking of ideas. Thanks to his great 3rd grade teacher who has given him some great tools (and rather advanced ones - I didn't learn these until I was in 5th or 6th grade), Michael no longer complains when he has a writing assignment. Maybe he'll take after his mom after all and learn to love to write!
I am reluctant to let go of these great teachers that have brought my sons so far, in particular Mrs. N., who both boys had for kindergarten. She is such a great teacher and I am sad that this is the end of the road for the Byrnes family - I don't have any more kids who will ever have her. But, it's time for the kids to move on to 1st and 4th grades and I guess I have to accept it. Yet,I wish I could keep them this age for a few more years.
My year was great too and that's partly why I'm sad to see it end. I have worked really hard to write my children's book and it is now a work in progress instead of just an idea. Lately life has taken over (birthdays, family, end-of-school activities, etc.) and I haven't had much time to write, but hopefully I will be able to start again soon. Maybe I won't have the total peace and quiet writing time that I have had while the boys were in school, but video game background noise can't be that distracting can it?
A write-at-home mother of two teenagers tries to find her balance.
About Me
- Jennifer
- I'm a wife of 19 years to Jeff and mother to two teens, Michael 18, and Tracy 15. The cats, Hannah and Leia,are female so I have a little female energy in the house besides me! In my previous life BK (before kids) I was a technical writer, poet, and essayist. Now I'm a write-at-home mom who tries to find the balance between writing, doing for kids, doing for hubbie, doing for the house, and doing for myself.