I have been avoiding writing this post. It's true. It's not just that my oldest is going into high school next year, but Nick is ending his elementary years and heading to middle school. Two major endings and two major beginnings. The utter emotional impact of this week is huge.
Years ago I knew this week would be coming and yet preparing for it has been brutal. Besides buying stock in waterproof mascara I honestly don't know how I am going to survive the last two days of school. Because both boys are completing their last years in their respective schools there is double the celebration. We have the 5th grade picnic, 8th grade picnic, 8th grade awards, 5th grade awards, 8th grade party, 5th grade clap-out, and 8th grade clap out, several of which are at the same time. Since I can't be in two places at once I am going to have to make sure I even out my time spent for each kid or I'll be accused of playing favorites!
I'm happy for the boys as they move forward because I know they are ready for that next step. They are both excited to meet new friends and be challenged (finally!!). But because I'm a mom I know these next few years are going to fly. Before I blink we'll be looking at colleges. I'm definitely not ready for that.

because he missed his mom and because the 4th graders at recess were giants? Now he's the one who is giant! There are no more tears when he gets on the bus and I know he doesn't think about me at school either. He has found his niche as trendsetter and has made some pretty good friends.
I am in a much better place than I was when I wrote this post about Michael starting middle school, or this post about Nick's first few weeks of kindergarten. I am confident that my kids are going to be ok in their new schools. Heck, I'm even looking forward to it.
The wise words I once wrote to Michael are now coming back to me. This is only the end of a chapter; in September we will start a new one. There are many chapters to the books of Michael and Nick, and I look forward to all of them.
This poem is dedicated to my boys and their friends and also to all the moms who are ending chapters with me.
Precious Kid
Is it possible?
Just yesterday I was marveling,
Tiny fingers and toes
Smiles and coos
Bright eyes.
Now I admire
Heart to hearts
Genius thinking
Bright eyes.
Oh the places you’ll go
Based on the places you’ve been.
I can see the gears turning
So much learning.
School skills
Math, English, History, Science
Life skills
Cooperation, Responsibility, Honor, Passion.
The same heart beats
Now larger
And yet…
Every experience, dream, wish
Expands it a little more.
Go for your goals
Reach a little higher
Love without limits
Live life like nobody’s watching.
Always know that I am.