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The Tree circa 1975 - photo credit Jeff Wurges |
One of my most cherished childhood memories is an adventure I had with my dad the summer I was six years old. I met Dad for lunch at his office in the music department of Oakland University. He told me we were going on an adventure, a short hike. Was I game? Or course I was! Our destination - my dad's favorite place, a very special tree. I didn't know it then but Dad was about to teach me everything important about life in three short but profound lessons.
From Varner Hall we trekked over lush green hills full of tall grasses until we reached a small park surrounded by pine trees. As we reached the edge of the park I caught my first glimpse of The Tree - a grand maple set on a hill in the middle of a large meadow, its majesty commanding and watching over the field. A large forest surrounded the area and behind the tree was a marsh full of tall, brown cattails. The sky was a brilliant blue and the air was heavy with the sweet smell of Queen Anne's lace.
Lesson Number One: You are never too old to feel and express joy.
As I started to walk towards The Tree Dad stopped. This was no ordinary tree, he told me, so we had to approach it in an extraordinary way. "You have to frolic," Dad said. "Watch!"
As I started to walk towards The Tree Dad stopped. This was no ordinary tree, he told me, so we had to approach it in an extraordinary way. "You have to frolic," Dad said. "Watch!"
Frolicking occurs when your heart sings and the melody comes up and out through your fingers and toes, causing you to play and move about energetically and excitedly. I watched as Dad swung his arms back and forth, propelling his legs forward, so that he was running and leaping at the same time. I joined in and so we frolicked down the valley, running and jumping with glee on our way to The Tree. How celebrated The Tree must have felt as we ran to her in that happy-go-lucky manner. To this day there is an unspoken rule between Dad and I that if we come upon a field or meadow we must frolic our way through it.
Lesson Number Two: All life is sacred and it is important to give thanks.
When we arrived at The Tree, Dad gave me my first lesson in how to hug a tree. He taught me how to extend my arms and press into The Tree so my whole body was supported. He taught me to turn my head so my cheek rested on The Tree's smooth skin, close my eyes, and breathe. Just breathe, appreciate, and love The Tree.
When we arrived at The Tree, Dad gave me my first lesson in how to hug a tree. He taught me how to extend my arms and press into The Tree so my whole body was supported. He taught me to turn my head so my cheek rested on The Tree's smooth skin, close my eyes, and breathe. Just breathe, appreciate, and love The Tree.
Then Dad helped me to climb The Tree, lifting me up into a low-hanging bough, watching as my long legs wrapped themselves around a branch, never letting me go until I was securely attached. I'm sure Dad would have liked to climb The Tree too but he knew he was needed on the ground to catch me if I fell, because that is what parents do for their children.
Lesson Number Three: The present moment is where we find our peace.
Dad passed my picnic lunch up to me - I remember it was cucumber sandwiches with mayo on homemade wheat bread that fell apart, and soft, black plums that stained my palms with sticky, pink juice. I laid back into The Tree's very supportive branch and ate my lunch, listening to the cacophony of crickets keeping time with the slow summer beat. I gazed from my perch out over the valley. Time had stopped and the outside world disappeared. If I'd had any worries at age six they were no longer there. There was only this moment, in The Tree, with my dad, and I was at peace.
Dad passed my picnic lunch up to me - I remember it was cucumber sandwiches with mayo on homemade wheat bread that fell apart, and soft, black plums that stained my palms with sticky, pink juice. I laid back into The Tree's very supportive branch and ate my lunch, listening to the cacophony of crickets keeping time with the slow summer beat. I gazed from my perch out over the valley. Time had stopped and the outside world disappeared. If I'd had any worries at age six they were no longer there. There was only this moment, in The Tree, with my dad, and I was at peace.
That day my dad's special place became mine also. My dad and I visited The Tree often, sometimes bringing Mom and my brother to frolic in the open meadow. As a young adult, I attended Oakland University and visited The Tree when I needed a time out from the hustle and bustle of student life. It was a place I could come and sit and be one with nature as I listened to the crows call out to one another and the crickets chirp out their steady beats. I could lay back and daydream as I watched the clouds in the sky blow across the horizon. It was a place where I could be at peace with myself.
When my first-born son Michael was two and I was pregnant with Nick, Dad and I took him to The Tree. It was an early August summer day, not unlike the first day Dad introduced me to The Tree. In keeping with tradition, we taught Michael to hug The Tree and how to sit underneath her branches and enjoy the stillness and peace she provided.
One fall after Nick turned three, Dad and I took the boys to The Tree. The University had installed a new parking lot and a new Facilities building so we weren't sure she would still be there or if we could even find her, but we did. The late afternoon sun was glorious as we frolicked towards the majestic maple. We taught Nick how to hug The Tree and Michael learned how to climb her. We threw her leaves into the air, leaves that were as golden as the sun's yellow rays. The air was magical that afternoon and it is still one of my most favorite days.
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The Tree Circa 2008 |
Then life took over and we stopped visiting. I remember the year when Michael was nine or ten I decided to reacquaint him with The Tree, but five years had changed the area - there was no one to maintain the land and the meadow had disappeared, overgrown with trees and bushes and grasses. I think we caught a glimpse of The Tree but could not get to her without some serious bushwhacking, which my son did not want to do that day.
At the end of this past summer, I invited my dad to go visit The Tree. Forty-four years had passed since our first visit and we were no longer spring chickens, but he was game. We weren't even sure if The Tree would still be there. So much had changed since the last time either of us had been - what was once a forest was now a student parking lot. But glory of glories, we found the dirt road that led to the park and found the ring of pine trees that now towered into the sky. That gave us hope, but we soon discovered that our meadow was no more, now overgrown with towering aspens and multitudes of crab apple trees and some version of flowering mint or oregano that made each step smell heavenly.
There was too much overgrowth for us to head straight through to The Tree, so we circled east, then south, bushwhacking through the weeds and prickers in search of our tree. Every now and then we would stop and breathe in the heady floral scent of Queen Anne's lace.
Our memories worked overtime, trying to place the location of The Tree in this jungle. During our trek we discovered many new additions to the area - a hiking trail maintained by an Eagle Scout, a golf course, and lots and lots of bushes, trees, flowers, and bees - but we did not find The Tree.
Finally we found the area that had been the meadow. As we looked around we saw a few tall aspens but no giant majestic maple. However, as we walked further we came across a large assortment of dead branches lying across the foliage.
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Resting Place of The Tree - 2019 |
"This must be it," Dad said as he looked around. I didn't want to concede - I really wanted our tree to be alive, but we had walked the perimeter for an hour and there was no sign of her. Dad gently broke off one of the branches, a reminder of The Tree and all she had signified. We stood in silence for a moment, lost in our own memories of The Tree, giving thanks for her place in our journeys.
I was grateful for the lessons she had shown Dad so he could share them with me, for they have turned into the principles in which I live my life: remembering to be joyful, to revere life and to give thanks for every moment, and to know the present moment is where peace lies. In turn, I passed them along to my sons when they were ready, upholding Mother Nature's circle of life. What I was most grateful to her for, however, is the bond she created between my Dad and I. Such memories she helped to foster and create!
Dad and I trekked out in silence, Dad using the branch as a walking stick to help him navigate over the raspberry branches and burdock root plants. I was sad The Tree was gone - she had come to be a friend, one I could visit when I needed a little space or an infusion of peace, and believe me, as the mother of two boys I required a lot of both! However, I knew she had lived a most wonderful life and would someday soon be part of the earth again and perhaps rise once more, for Nature is ever evolving. Maybe by the time I have grandchildren she will have returned. One can only hope. For now, however, I am content to recall her magnificence from memory:
It's summertime and the sun is high overhead. I am nestled a few branches up in The Tree. Dad is sitting at its base. I gaze out around at the meadow before me. Nikki, our dog, chases birds and squirrels in the sunlight as we watch. The air is heavy with humidity and fragrance. Silence surrounds us - an occasional bird waking from a midday nap calls to us. Peace is upon us and I breathe it in.
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