About Me

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I'm a wife of 19 years to Jeff and mother to two teens, Michael 18, and Tracy 15. The cats, Hannah and Leia,are female so I have a little female energy in the house besides me! In my previous life BK (before kids) I was a technical writer, poet, and essayist. Now I'm a write-at-home mom who tries to find the balance between writing, doing for kids, doing for hubbie, doing for the house, and doing for myself.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Welcome to My Blog!!

Ta da!! Here it is! Finally I have a space to voice my opinions, share my thoughts, and keep up my writing skills. Why am I doing a blog? Those of you who knew me when I moved to Santa Fe, NM about 10 years ago may remember that I tried to keep you informed of my doings with a newsletter called The Santa Fe Reportress. I didn't do it very often because it cost a lot of money in paper and postage, but I enjoyed informing family and friends of my new home and all the cool things there were to do there. After I returned home and got married and had Michael, I wanted to create a website to keep everyone up to date on life in the Byrnes family, but was short on time and resources.

Needless to say, once Nicholas was born I had even less time to do any writing nor did I have the energy to do it. However, now that Michael and Nicholas are older I have managed to find some time to write. I have done a lot of writing this year, some paid, some just for fun. And now I plan on sharing it. I'm going to try to blog at least once a week if not more, so keep checking back. And please - I welcome any kind of feedback. Someday when the kids are in school I will have to go back to work so this keeps my writing skills fresh. Who knows, maybe I'll turn into a famous blogger and won't have to go back to work?!


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