About Me

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I'm a wife of 19 years to Jeff and mother to two teens, Michael 18, and Tracy 15. The cats, Hannah and Leia,are female so I have a little female energy in the house besides me! In my previous life BK (before kids) I was a technical writer, poet, and essayist. Now I'm a write-at-home mom who tries to find the balance between writing, doing for kids, doing for hubbie, doing for the house, and doing for myself.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Silver Bells

It is December 8th and I’m finally just feeling the spirit of Christmas. Before today I had no desire to decorate the house or make cookies or even listen to Christmas music! I found myself going through the motions for the kids. Even going on our annual Christmas tree hunt didn't do it for me, perhaps because although we chose to go on a beautiful, albeit super cold day, by the end of our one-hour trek through the tree lot my hands were as cold and numb as Audrey’s from the movie Christmas Vacation. (We did end up with a beautiful tree though.)

However, something triggered inside me today as I walked amongst the crowds.  Perhaps it was generated by the joyful energy of the children who were waiting in line to see Santa, or maybe it was the snowflakes I saw twirling in the air as I left the mall. Maybe it doesn't matter what it was that made it happen – what’s important is that it happened!!

There’s a lot to be said about Christmas shopping done on-line from the comfort of your home. Lord knows I love my Amazon! However, going out into the crowds yesterday made me realize that by shopping alone in your jammies you miss out on the group energy that is abundant at this time of year - that special feeling you get when you find that perfect gift for that special someone multiplied by the hundreds, the mass feeling of love and joy that the holidays bring, the declarations of “Merry Christmas” and “Happy Holidays”. That feeling is infectious and is something you cannot get while sitting in front of the computer.

Even on the way home when I was stuck in traffic the Christmas spirit inside me was not diminished. I turned my radio dial to the Christmas station and sang along with Harry Connick Jr. and the kids to “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer”, and to a favorite from my teenage years, the Band-Aid rendition of “Do They Know it’s Christmas Time?” (I still love to try to identify all the individual singers).

My son Michael and I have been meditating on and off this year. It’s really helped him focus his emotions and thoughts. Recently we started attending a kids’ meditation class at Simple Organics in Oxford, led by the son of the owner. Now I have never been a great meditator on my own – I get too distracted – but when I’m in a group I am able to focus a little better. And the energy put out by a group meditation is so much more powerful! We both look forward to our class.

I guess my point (and message to myself) is to take advantage of the group energy this season. Even if you don’t need to shop, get out there – stroll through a downtown area and look at the window displays and the city lights. Listen to the people as they hustle and bustle. Put a dollar or two into the Salvation Army bucket. Take a walk through the snow. These things are powerful and may just spark your inner Christmas spirit. Once ignited, it will carry you on a flame through the rest of the season.

One of my favorite holiday pastimes when I was a little girl was to get together with my best friend and sing Christmas carols. “Silver Bells” was one of our favorites. I can’t speak for my friend but it’s still one of the songs I hold close to my heart. As I recall the words I realize that it is the perfect song to evoke that dormant Christmas spirit that is always in us but may have been waylaid by our everyday lives or the rush to get the best deals through on-line shopping.

Sing it with me won’t you?

“City sidewalks, busy sidewalks
Dressed in holiday style
In the air
There's a feeling
of Christmas.

Children laughing
People passing
Meeting smile after smile
and on every street corner you'll hear

Silver bells, silver bells
It's Christmas time in the city
Ring-a-ling, hear them sing
Soon it will be Christmas day.

Strings of street lights
Even stop lights
Blink a bright red and green
As the shoppers rush
home with their treasures

Hear the snow crunch
See the kids bunch
This is Santa's big scene
And above all this bustle
You'll hear

Silver bells, silver bells
It's Christmas time in the city
Ring-a-ling, hear them sing
Soon it will be Christmas day”

There now. Don’t you feel better? I do.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the heart!

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