About Me

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I'm a wife of 19 years to Jeff and mother to two teens, Michael 18, and Tracy 15. The cats, Hannah and Leia,are female so I have a little female energy in the house besides me! In my previous life BK (before kids) I was a technical writer, poet, and essayist. Now I'm a write-at-home mom who tries to find the balance between writing, doing for kids, doing for hubbie, doing for the house, and doing for myself.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Breaking News!

We interrupt this blog for a breaking news flash! Last night Nicholas had his first ever sleepover at his Aunt Janet's house! Without me!

This is the child that, for the past 2 years and 11 months couldn't bear to be away from his mother. He is the poster child for attachment parenting. This is the kid that would cry and panic if he couldn't find me in the house. "Mama, mama, MAMA!" he would cry, and I would reply "Nicholas," to him until he found me, like an out of water Marco Polo game. This is the kid who has slept next to me ever since he was born. And just like that he has a sleepover.

How did he do? He had a few minutes of crying at 1:00 a.m. when he asked to come downstairs and "wait" for us to pick him up. My sister-in-law didn't tell him that we weren't coming, she just sat with him on the couch until he fell asleep. Same thing at 4:00 a.m. Then he woke up at 6:00 for the day.

"Aunt Janet," he said. "Is it morning?"

"Yes, it is Nicholas," she replied.

"I had a sleepover!!" he said excitedly. I can just see the proud look on his face too.

How did I do? Well, I am ecstatic, overjoyed, and over the moon about this accomplishment. I am also very tired - needless to say, I didn't sleep very well. I think we'll both need a nap today!

So many monumental milestones have occurred in the last month for both of my kids - potty training for Nicholas, first day of kindergarten for Michael, first sleepover for Nicholas. Next week Nicholas starts preschool - without me. I've been wondering how he would do with the separation. Now I know.

What's next for him as he eases into his own independance and away from the hold he has on me? I don't know, but bring it on!!!!

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